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Program requirements

  • Satisfactory academic effort (passing grades in all subjects)
  • ​Students will attend a minimum of 45 days within a school year
  • Satisfactory attendance (no more than 2 unlawful absences)
  • Acceptable/Appropriate behavior (no more than 1 suspension)
  • Satisfactory participation in Building Bridges Program (completion of a minimum of six sessions and continuing to completion)
  • Satisfactory participation in Service Learning activities (verified completion of on 1 service learning activity)
  • Satisfactory participation in Career Exploration/Development (verified completion of Career Exploration/ Development Project)

Important Parent Information

  • Students attending Blythewood Academy may NOT attend any Richland School District 2 activities to include athletic, fine arts performances, and school social events. 

  • Students will attend a minimum of 45 days within a school year​

  • Blythewood Academy students may not have in their possession, cellular phones, while on school property during school hours.

  • Attendance is critical. Students may not miss more than two days of the school while  attending Blythewood Academy. If a student is absent for any reason, a medical excuse or parent note must be submitted within 5 days of the absence.

  • Students who arrive late must be signed in by a parent or verified guardian.

  • Students who are picked up early must be signed out by a parent or verified guardian.

  • Monthly newsletter will be sent home on the first Monday of each month.

  • Check Parent Portal weekly for your student's progress.

  • Schedule parent/teachers  conferences as needed.

  • Contact the school immediately if you have questions or concerns regarding your student's progress.