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Public Participation

Richland Two students, parent/legal guardians, residents, property owners, business owners, and Richland County elected official are welcome to make comments during the public participation portions of meetings.

The following information comes from Board Policy BEDH, and outlines the procedure for public participation at Board meetings.

The Board may provide a specified period of time for comments regarding any topic over which the Board has jurisdiction. Comments may be received from any Richland Two student, parent/legal guardian, resident, property owner, business owner, or Richland County elected official.

All persons who wish to comment during the open forum period will fill out the appropriate form and sign-up sheet at the meeting before the public session of the meeting begins.


The Board Chair will introduce speakers who have signed up on the appropriate form and invite them to address the board. Each speaker is allotted three minutes. The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion of same topic issues in an effort to provide individuals the opportunity to be heard on a variety of topics.

The Board will not permit in public session any expression of personal complaints about individual school personnel or any other person connected with the school system. Specific student or personnel issues should be handled through the appropriate procedures as indicated in the district policy. Presentations for unsolicited services will not be permitted. Companies or businesses offering services of possible interest to the district should send information to the district office for distribution to appropriate school district officials.

The Board may provide factual information or recite existing policy in response to inquiries, but the Board will not deliberate or decide matters regarding any subject not included on the agenda. The Board may request that staff members address any concerns or comments presented by the public during the open forum. Persons appearing before the Board are reminded that members of the Board are without authority to act independently as individuals in official matters. Questions may be directed to the Board , but answers must be deferred pending consideration by the Board .