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Office of the Superintendent

The Superintendent leads, guides, and directs the administrative, instructional, and support services teams in setting and achieving the highest standards of excellence in educational programs and operating systems.

The Richland Two Superintendent serves as the executive officer for Richland School District Two and is directly responsible to the School Board. She is responsible for a system of supervision and evaluation for all staff, and oversees and administers the use of all facilities, property, and funds in the best interests of students and the school system. The Office of the Superintendent includes the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, the Directors of Primary and Secondary Schools, General Counsel, Executive Director of Internal Auditing, Ombudsman and support staff.


Dr. Kim D. Moore

“I am committed to one thing and one thing only and that is to provide the best educational experience for each student we are privileged to teach. Education is my passion. It is the reason I get up every day and my joy," Dr. Kim D. Moore

Superintendent's Evaluation Goals

Superintendents Goals for Website (PDF)


Georgette Council, CEOE - Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Melissa Myers, CSBO - Executive Director of Internal Auditing