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Suspension and Expulsion

Students are required to conduct themselves in a manner that is in the best interest of the school. Students may not disrupt class or become involved in substantial disruptions or invade the rights of others.

Chronic recurrences of offenses may lead to suspension or expulsion when previous disciplinary actions have not proven effective in improving the student’s behavior. The administration emphasizes that the level of offense, circumstances, number of offenses, prior warnings and prior suspensions affect these recommendations.

In all cases of disciplinary actions taken by the administration of Richland Two, a fair, common-sense approach is maintained. This approach uses specific procedures that ensure that administrators, students and parents are involved at every step to reduce unnecessary conflict.

Students may be suspended or expelled for any of the following offenses:

  • Theft;
  • Use of obscene or profane language or gestures to students, teachers, staff members or administrators;
  • An unauthorized walkout from a classroom or school building;
  • Assaulting, blackmailing, threatening or intimidating other students, teachers, administrators or staff members;
  • Fighting;
  • Possession in school of a weapon or any object brandished as a weapon (administrator must recommend expulsion);
  • Distribution of unauthorized materials;
  • Knowingly consuming or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol (administrator must recommend expulsion);
  • Unlawful possession or use of a personal electronic communications device (including a cellular telephone) in violation of policy JICJ (Use of Electronic Communication Devices in School) and/or IJND/IJND-R(2) (Electronic Communication and Data Management);
  • Use of a personal or district issued electronic communications device (including a cellular telephone) in violation of policy JICJ (Use of Electronic Communication Devices in School) and/or IJND/IJND-R(2) (Electronic Communication and Data Management)
  • Vandalism;
  • Trespassing;
  • Sexual offenses (inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature);
  • Smoking or other tobacco use.