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Student Services

The mission of student services is to assist and support schools in providing a safe, orderly environment where all students have the opportunity to achieve academic excellence. Our responsibilities include: student discipline, student suspensions, student expulsions, alternative school referrals, and student re-admittance following expulsion.

The Board of Trustees and district staff believe that a safe, positive learning environment is one of the most important components of a successful school. The district’s commitment in this area is reflected in several very positive programs: Teaching and Learning Department; Student Services Department, which manages students’ discipline, alternative placement and extracurricular activities; and Blythewood Academy that offer alternative programs for nonviolent, chronically disruptive elementary, middle and high school students.

All district employees who work with students are aware of their responsibilities to provide them with proper guidance and supervision and to serve as role models for young people. We make every effort to treat each student fairly and consistently at all times. 

The district is also committed to preparing students to enter the adult world as productive, responsible citizens. Because the school setting closely reflects society as a whole, it is important for students to understand and respect the need for rules and regulations governing their conduct while they are at school or when they are participating in school-related activities.

The Richland Two School Board recognizes that the Fourth Amendment protects citizens, including students, from unreasonable searches. However, any person entering the premises of any school in the district, including visitors, shall be deemed to have consented to a reasonable search of his/her person and personal property (Act 373 of 1994). Additional information is available at each principal’s office.

Richland Two is proud of the fine caliber of our student body. Less than 3 percent of our students are involved in disciplinary actions each year. Please review these guidelines carefully. Exact regulations are contained in the Board’s policies. Please contact your school principal if you have questions or concerns.