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Teens as Parents Program

Parenting can be challenging even for veteran parents, and students who become parents need even more support. The Teens as Parents program provides support to help them grow as parents and strive for academic success. 

Teens as Parents Support Program (TAPS) is a support group for pregnant and parenting teens. Students have the opportunity to participate in weekly group meetings and personal visits to learn about child development and other issues that teen parents face.

The program is designed to: 

  • Encourage and support academic success and high school graduation. 

  • Educate pregnant and parenting students to enable them to make responsible decisions regarding the health and development of their children.

  • Improve the health status of pregnant and parenting students and their children.

  • Promote self-esteem.

  • Prevent repeated pregnancies.

  • Assist pregnant and parenting students in obtaining needed community resources.

  • Collaborate with community agencies, programs, and providers.

  • Provide written information and resources to students about health and child development.

  • Provide baby supplies through community donations.

  • Foster opportunities to pursue post-secondary education.


Erica Booth

Teen Parent Specialist
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