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Backpack Program

The Richland Two Backpack Program provides identified students meals to take home over the weekend.

  • Each week students in the program are discretely provided non-perishables food items.
  • The food items typically include two breakfast, lunch, and dinner items as well as a few snacks.
  • The items will vary by school location depending the resource that provides the food.

To learn more how your student can participate in the Richland Two Backpack Program, please contact the school social worker at your child’s school. The Richland Two Backpack Program is sponsored by many organizations across our community such as churches, civic groups, local grants, and donations. We rely on our community partners to help meet our students’ needs and cannot implement this program without help from our community.

Richland Two is seeking additional support for the Richland Two Backpack Program as the needs continue to rise. Donations can be made to support the Backpack Program through the Richland Two Education Foundation's PayPal page. Please print the receipt from PayPal. Click the PayPal logo below to donate today! 

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