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Hispanic Family Outreach

The Hispanic Family Outreach Coordinator provides support to our growing Spanish-speaking family population in a variety of ways.

The coordinator's primary role is to partner with families to help decrease barriers to a successful education.

  • Assess situations and circumstances involving students and families to determine their need for a referral to school social work or other services.
  • Communicate with school staff on the needs of students and families. Communicate with students and families appropriate school information.
  • Provides assistance to school social workers, administrators, teachers, or teams in planning and implementing services to meet the needs of students and families.
  • Serves as a liaison between students, parents, the school, the community, and other agencies.  Makes referrals for students and parents to appropriate agencies or resources within the school or community. Maintains communication with school staff regarding referrals made.   

The Coordinator also serve as the Outreach Worker for the Skills for Work & Life Program (SL&WP) through Richland Two Adult Education Center.

  • Recruit participation in the SL&WP.
  • Retain enrollment and attendance for program participants.
  • Coordinate child care for the participants in the SL&WP.
  • Assess family needs for school and community resources.
  • Coordinate extra educational programs for the participants and their children. (Example: reading club, boy scouts, health fairs, computer classes, etc.)


Nelly Jolley

Outreach Specialist
life skills work program flyer
lss Heroe