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Student Visitation

Acceptable Types of Visits        

Visitors to schools may include, but are not limited to:

  • Prospective Students
  • Academic/Cultural Visitor
  • Non-academic requests for currently enrolled Richland Two students’ friends and relatives to visit will be denied

Sponsoring Group

  • The student visitor must be sponsored by an adult civic, athletic, or community non-profit organization or group
  • The student visitor must be visiting school solely in connection with his/her participation in a local event or activity sponsored by an adult, civic, athletic, or community non-profit organization
  • Student/visitor is limited to one visit per academic school year
  • Other situations may be approved on an individual basis by the principal such as parents/students who wish to visit a school in anticipation of moving to the District; children of visiting professors, etc.

Application Considerations

  • Application will be online district-wide and accessible by each applicable school
  • Include Visiting Student Information, Emergency Information and Contacts, Student being shadowed information, if applicable
  • All student visitors must have a designated local host family or sponsor
  • Student visitors must be between grade levels three and twelve and between the ages of compulsory attendance under State law and District policy
  • Student visitors must pre-register a minimum of 30 days in advance of a visit to allow the school to respond to visitation requests in a timely manner
  • The duration of a visit should not exceed 3 days and should take place during regular school hours and/or school events as deemed appropriate by principal/designee
  • Student visitation will not be permitted during standardized testing periods
  • Student visitation should not occur during the first two weeks of the school year, the week of Thanksgiving, the week prior to Winter Break, and the last week of school
  • All requests must be approved by the principal/designee
  • The principal/designee has the ability to deny any request, if the visit would be disruptive to the school environment, pose a potential risk or threat of safety to the welfare of others on the campus, or if the principal otherwise determines it is not in the best interest of the school
  • These guidelines are not applicable to students already enrolled in the District

Discipline, Security and Medical

  • The sponsoring organization, group or parent must be able to present to the school written verification from the student’s school verifying the student is in good standing in regards to discipline and has current immunization
  • The District will develop the appropriate verification forms to include appropriate disclaimer
  • No student visitor will be permitted to attend school without obtaining express written consent from his/her parent and/or sponsoring organization/group

Visitation Day Guidelines

  • All student visitors must adhere to the Code of Conduct, and violations of the Code of Conduct will result in the student visitor being removed from campus
  • The classes, activity and grade the student visitor is involved in should be appropriate with their age/grade
  • The school will determine how visitor will be paired, escorted and/or monitored
  • Visitors may not participate/travel for field studies
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