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Annual Registration Assistance Nights

Richland Two parents who need help completing the online Annual Registration process are invited to attend an Annual Registration Assistance Night (ARN) this summer. This process includes providing proof of residence, verifying student information, and reviewing and completing forms. Families will have access to computers, the internet, district staff, and interpreters.

Annual Registration Assistance Nights - 

Thursday, June 20, 2024, 5-8 pm at R2i2, 763 Fashion Drive in the Village at Sandhill

Thursday, July 25, 2024, 4:30-7:30 pm Fiesta Conexiones, 6801 Brookfield Rd at Forest Lake Elementary

Appointments Required

The RSD2's Registrar's Office will begin taking appointments for the ARN being held on June 20, 2024. One family per appointment time. On this date, you can do the following:

●     Send an email to the District Registrar's Office at with the following information:

  • The name of the person attending the ARN
  • How many students
  • If you need an interpreter and what language
  • Mobile number where they can be reached


What to bring

●     Valid photo identification

●     Proof of residence — A current month's original electric bill, water bill, landline telephone bill, cable/satellite bill, rental lease or proof of real estate purchase showing the parent or legal guardian’s name.

●     One (1) Utility Bill If Address Has Not Changed. Three (3) Proofs of Residency If Your Address Has Changed

●     Student Shot Records if updated

●     Any legal documents such as custody papers if any custody orders have changed

●     Parent Portal Password



●     If you need assistance with the annual registration process or to recover your parent portal credentials please contact your school or your Hispanic Liaison as soon as possible to get assistance or schedule an appointment.

●     Dedy Magun (elementary schools K- 5th grade) at (803) 394-6314.

●     Miryam Malpartida (middle and high schools 6th-12th grade) at (803) 360-7648

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