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Get on the Bus

Requesting Bus Services 

During annual registration, parents/guardians can request inbound (AM) and/or outbound (PM) transportation in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you expect your child to ride the bus at all anytime during the school year, please select the bus transportation option, even if your child will not ride the bus every day. 

Click here for information regarding the registration process. 

ONLY if your student(s) mode of transportation has CHANGED since completing Enrollment or Annual Registration, use the following forms below. 

  • Daycare Transportation Form - Use this form to request transportation from a daycare to school or from school to a daycare. Only day care facilities within the attendance zone of the school your student(s) attends will be considered on a space available basis.
  • Bus Pass - Use this form to request transportation on a bus other than the regularly assigned bus. The parent and a school administrator must sign the form, and this service is provided on a space available basis.
    • Pase de Autobus - Un permiso de sólo una vez para estudiantes viajando en un autobus diferente al regularmente asignado.

Return forms to your child's school by email, fax, or in person. Please DO NOT use the "Let's Talk" form to request bus service.

Unless otherwise indicated, all forms should be returned to your child's school. 

  • Transload Request - Use this form to request that your student(s) be transported from one school to another for the convenience of the parent/ guardian or for students to participate in a before or after school program. Limited by available space.
  • Memo Regarding Transloads - Explanation of the transload procedure. Please note that the transload service does not begin until AFTER the 21st day of school. The Transload Request from posted above must be completed and returned to your child's transportation hub