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Bus Notifications


We appreciate families' patience as we implement procedures to send parents targeted messages regarding changes to bus routes. Parents will still receive text messages and/or emails directly from the appropriate transportation hub via ParentSquare.

If there is a change to your child's bus hub and you do not receive a message, please check with your child's school to confirm that your email and/ or mobile number on file is up-to date. 



My Ride K-12 App

Formerly Traversa Ride 360

The 'My Ride K-12 App' provides quick access to your child's routing information, which can include the bus stop, route, driver and bus number. My Ride K-12 can also utilize GPS data to give parents/ guardians access to information on where their child's school bus is, the planned bus path and what time it is expected to be at their scheduled bus stop.

Login credentials will remain the same as they were in the RIDE 360 app. 

my ride k-12 user Guide Flyer  Guía para los padres usuarios

My Ride K-12 is available to download from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Click on your appropriate app store to download.

Click Here to Register FOR A MY RIDE K-12 Account                                                                                              mY rIDE K-12  Questions or Concerns