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In An Emergency

If you learn of a school or an area emergency, please DO NOT rush to the school to pick up your child.

Additional traffic will block any needed emergency vehicles. Your presence in the school building could delay the evacuation process. Each school's emergency response plan includes procedures for protecting children as the first priority, followed by a system of reuniting them with you in a safe, orderly, and timely manner. As parents, you play an essential role in keeping students safe during an emergency. Please know that our highest concern is your child's safety. The district and each school have emergency response plans covering natural disasters and other emergencies. 

Click here to view and download the standard Response Protocol Parent Letter

Secure vs Lockdown

One of the first steps of the emergency response will be a status change, most often to secure. We'll communicate status changes using the following terms, to families through our messaging system. Please take a minute to review the terms. Click on the graphics to download and print.  


What happens: Students, employees and visitors are brought inside of the building and the exterior doors are locked. Movement in and out of the building is restricted. School continues normally inside the building.

What causes it: A potential threat outside of the building. Most often nearby police activity.

Controlled release: If a secure status overlaps school dismissal, the school may do a controlled release.  Students will be released individually or in small groups. 


What happens: Students, employees and visitors are brought inside of the building. Exterior and classroom doors are locked. Hallways are cleared. Inside classrooms lights are off, everyone is quiet and hidden out of sight. 

What causes it: A threat inside the building.

First page of the PDF file: Emergency-Poster
First page of the PDF file: EmergencyPoster_SP


Student/Parent Reunification 

Circumstances may occur at the school that require parents to pick up their students in a normalized, controlled release. This process is called a reunification and may be necessary due to weather, a power outage, hazmat, or if a crisis occurs at the school. The Standard Reunification Method is a protocol that makes this process more predictable and less chaotic for all involved. If you learn of an off campus emergency such as a major traffic accident involving your child's school bus or an incident that requires an evacuation, a Family Reunification Center will be established . The center will be staffed by the district's Crisis Response Team (second responders) which consist of nurses, psychologists, social workers and other essential district personnel. The location of the center will be determined by first responders, including the Richland County Sheriff's Department and other emergency services personnel.


Safety Concerns

Safety Hotline


school safety hero