Payment and prices
Meal Prices
No Cost Meals at 25 schools and centers
Students at the following schools can eat breakfast and lunch for free. Families of students at these schools do not need to submit a free and reduced meal application.
The schools are: Bethel-Hanberry Elementary, Bookman Road Elementary, Bridge Creek Elementary, Catawba Trail Elementary, Center for Achievement, Center for Inquiry, Center for Knowledge, Dent Middle, EL Wright Middle, Forest Lake Elementary, Jackson Creek Elementary, Joseph Keels Elementary, Kelly Mill Middle, Killian Elementary, L.W. Conder Elementary, Langford Elementary, Longleaf Middle, Lonnie B. Nelson, North Springs Elementary, Polo Road Elementary, Pontiac Elementary, Rice Creek Elementary, Richland Northeast High, Ridge View High, Sandlapper Elementary, Summit Parkway Middle, Westwood High and Windsor Elementary.
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program provides an alternative to household applications for free and reduced-price meals in local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with increased levels of low-income students. All students enrolled at a CEP school may participate in the breakfast and lunch program at no charge to them. Families do not have to fill out meal applications to receive free meals.
Parents may add money to student's accounts at any time and can even pay in advance. The use of cash is strongly discouraged.
Online: Payments may be made online 24/7
Sign into your StudentQuickPay account HERE
Check: Checks should include your full name, street address and phone number. When you provide a check, you authorize us to either use the information to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. A $30 fee will be processed as an electronic fund transfer from your account for returned checks.
Student Charging Policy
No student will be denied one meal per serving session. However, parents will be responsible for paying for all meals charged to their student's cafeteria account.
Once the cafeteria balance is negative the parent will be notified weekly until the cafeteria account is no longer negative. Parents can set low balance reminders by visiting
There will be NO charging for second meals or a la carte items. Students must have funds on their account or cash to pay for those charges.
There will NO charging of meals for adults.
Additional Meals & A la Carte Items
Students may purchase additional meals at the full pay rate. Also, a la carte items (extra milk, chips, cookies, etc) can be purchased at an additional cost. All students will be allowed to purchase additional meals and a la carte items unless a parent has opted out for the student. Parents can opt their children out from additional purchases by emailing However, charging is not allowed for additional meals or a la carte items. Students must have funds available on their cafeteria account or cash to purchase the extra items.
Surplus Balances
At the end of the school year, surplus balances in student meal accounts will be carried forward to the next school year. Parents of students who graduate or withdraw from the district may request a refund or for the available funds to be transferred to another student’s account within the district. Cafeteria balance refunds or transfers will not be allowed if there is an outstanding school fee due. Outstanding school fees can be paid with remaining cafeteria balances by the request of the parent. Refund or transfer request may be made up to three (3) years following graduation or withdrawal. Thereafter, the funds are sent to the state as unclaimed property. Parents will need to complete the "Overpayment Request" form on the parent portal to request a refund.
Effective July 1, 2011, section 205 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 requires school food authorities participating in the National School Lunch Program to provide the same level of support for lunches served to students who are not eligible for free or reduced priced lunches (i.e., paid lunches) as they are for lunches served to students eligible for free lunches. Additional information governing this regulation can be found on the USDA website at