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The Maintenance Department works year-round to maintain the district’s schools and offices, ensuring that district facilities are fully operational and continually maintained.  We strive to serve the students, staff, and residents of the community by providing a safe, secure and functional environment that enhances and supports the educational process.

Maintenance services are provided at a level that allows students and staff to learn and work in an environment that enhances the instructional program.  These services provide a safe and sanitary environment and provide for the efficient, economical operation of the facilities.  We strive to provide an appearance that will promote community pride and foster good public relations.

Mission:  Provide an environment that is safe, comfortable and conducive for learning, teaching and supporting the educational goals of Richland School District Two.

Vision: Maintain the operational, functional and viable aspects of all district owned facilities.

Goal: The goal of the Maintenance Department is to be prompt, responsive and provide a level of professionalism that our schools and/or facilities have come to appreciate.  We are to maintain our facilities through preventative programs and responsive service that will sustain the learning environment best suited for optimal achievement.