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Richland Two offers a benefits package to all employees who work at least part-time. New employees may choose to enroll within 30 days of their date of hire. 

All other benefits enrollments and changes must be made during the annual benefits enrollment period. If you're a Richland Two employee looking for benefit information, please visit the R2HQ, the employee portal. 

Benefits Overview


Christina "Christy" Sandifer

Director of Benefits
803.738.3295 (o)
803.782.6723 (f)

Leave Requests

Lisa McCants
Benefits Manager, All Medical Leave Requests (FMLA)
803.738.3324 or ext 13324

Veronica Satchell
Leave/Benefits Specialist, Leave Verification
803.738.8472 or ext 13388

Your Benefits Representative

As an employee of Richland School District Two, you have access to a dedicated, assigned benefits representative ready to assist you with your questions. Benefits Specialists in the division assist with employee requests based on last name.   

Last name A-G

Jocelyn Brown

Benefits Representative

Last Name H-P

Sharon Williams

Sharon Williams

Benefits Representative

Last Name Q-Z

Monica Henderson

Monica Henderson

Benefits Representative
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