The Helping Hands Coalition DoDEA Grant
The Helping Hands Coalition Grant is funded by the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) to support students in schools with high percentages of military connected students. The district was awarded $2,000,000 for use through 2029 to implement innovative and research-based strategies to prepare a strong foundation for students with knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for successful future engagements.
These grant funds will be used with a focus to support increased math achievement through a Family Engagement Liaison and an additional Attendance Interventionist. In the identified schools, the goals are:
- 5th grade students will improve their math achievement;
- 8th grade students will improve their math achievement; and
- 10th grade students will reduce chronic absenteeism.
Project activities include providing in-class curriculum instruction support, after school tutoring, attendance supportive services, and increasing organizational capacity. Outcomes include increased student achievement in math,reduced chronic absenteeism, and improved parental and community engagement.
Richland Two is committed to providing information and resources to our families and community that will help our students reach their highest potential.
Schools approved for the Helping Hands Coalition Grant:
- Bethel-Hanberry Elementary
- Bookman Road Elementary
- Bridge Creek Elementary
- Catawba Trail Elementary
- Center for Achievement
- Lake Carolina Lower Campus
- Lake Carolina Upper Campus
- Langford Elementary
- Round Top Elementary
- Blythewood Middle
- Kelly Mill Middle
- Muller Road Middle
- Blythewood High
- Westwood High