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4K Enrollment

4K is a non-compulsory program that is designed to meet the needs of children who have been identified as needing additional services so they can be successful in Kindergarten. 

The Center for Child Development Goals:

  • Provides a healthy, safe and nurturing learning environment
  • Encourages emotional, social, physical and intellectual development
  • Makes learning fun to develop lifelong learners
  • Supports language development, creativity and an appreciation of fine arts and music
  • Motivates successful interactions with other children and adults in a cooperative environment which promotes decision making, peaceful resolution of conflicts and respect for others
  • ​Works in partnership with parents to meet the needs of each child to ensure their success
cfcd logo

Apply to the 4k program between February 1  and March 31

The 2025-2026 4K Application Period Will Open on February 1, 2025

CFCD has 32 classrooms in 19 elementary schools. HOWEVER space is limited. Due to limited space, not everyone who applies will receive a spot

Program Requirements

  • Child must be 4 on or before September 1 of the current school year – Original Birth Certificate (Long Form) required and Immunization Certificate (most recent)

  • Child must reside with family in Richland School District Two

    • 2 Proofs of residency must be provided – Mortgage statement or rental agreement and 1 current utility bill

  • Families must meet 1 of the following criteria to be eligible:

    • Developmental readiness- Dial 4 Screening will be administered to all children whose family completes their application and provides all required documents (school and Title1/Cerdep paperwork) within application timeframe

    • Free/reduced lunch eligibility- Family income verification must be provided which may include pay stubs, tax returns, or W-2 forms; or Medicaid eligibility

    • Other risk factors - May include family size, education level of parents, etc

Title One Pamphlet

First page of the PDF file: CFCD Title One Pamphlet

Parent Handbook

First page of the PDF file: CERDEP Parent and Guardian Handbook

Manual para Padres y Tutores

First page of the PDF file: Spanish CERDEP Parent Guardian Handbook