The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the Education Accountability Act (EAA) both include testing, rating, and reporting requirements. South Carolina Succeeds is the consolidated plan to meet written to meet the requirements of both the federal and state legislation. The original version of the plan was submitted to the United States Department of Education in October of 2017 and approved in March of 2018.
In a press release on October 16, 2017, South Carolina Department of Education said that this plan would do the following:
- Reduce high stakes testing and commit to measuring schools on a multiple measure accountability system
- Supports all students as they seek to achieve the knowledge, skills, and characteristics identified by the Profile of the SC Graduate
- Ensure that all students, not just those in high income, high capacity school districts, have access to career and technical education, virtual options, world languages, the arts, advanced credit in middle school, Advanced Placement, International baccalaureate, and dual credit course work
- Provide a tiered system of support for under performing schools through direct support and guidance based on a portfolio of evidence-based school turnaround strategies and expert transformation coaches
The South Carolina Succeeds plan includes two main goals; (1) by 2035, 90 percent of students will graduate “college, career, and citizenship ready” as outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate; and (2) beginning with the 2020 graduating class, the state, each district, and each high school should increase by five percent annually the percentage of students who graduate ready to enter postsecondary education to pursue a degree or national industry credential without the need for remediation in mathematics or English.