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Jobs in health care are in high demand. As America’s aging population increases, so does the need for trained health care professionals. Richland School District Two is taking another step to address the need with MED Two courses and seminars for high school students. The MED Two program will give all high school students in Richland Two opportunities to get in-depth information about various careers in health care. From medical assisting to pharmacy, phlebotomy, and dentistry, students will learn what many medical jobs require and approximately how much they can earn doing them. 
Richland Two’s Director of College and Career Initiatives Mary Paige Boyce says these courses and seminars will change regularly providing a comprehensive view into the world of medicine.
“We want our high school students to be prepared to make informed decisions about their career path and future,” said Boyce. “Given research based information about medical careers from experienced health care practitioners, our students will be able to choose what’s best for them at no charge to them or their families.”
For more information about this exciting opportunity, please contact Jennifer Coyne at MED Two is open to all high school students in Richland School District Two.

Diverse high school students