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Why Career & Technology Education?

Career & Technology Education (CTE) prepares students for a wide variety of careers and further educational opportunities. We are at the forefront of preparing students to be college and career ready.

We provide students with...

  • core academic skills and the ability to apply those skills to concrete situations in order to function in the workplace and in routine daily activities

  • employability skills (such as critical thinking and responsibility) that are essential in any career area

  • job-specific, technical skills related to a specific career pathway

Richland Two's Partnerships provide our CTE students authentic and meaningful work experiences - this is not your average career portal; this is your portal to rebellion, disruption, and success. We're not interested in fitting the mold; we're here to shatter it. Explore careers that defy expectations, challenge the status quo, and ignite your passion.

Learn more about Westwood High School's comprehensive cybersecurity program below.

Research shows that participation in a rigorous and integrated Career & Technology Education program increases student achievement by...

  • minimizing the risk of student drop out (with a ratio of one CTE class to every two academic classes)

  • increasing achievement in reading, mathematics and science

  • developing problem-solving, project completion, research, communication, time management, and critical thinking skills

... and results in higher academic motivation, engagement, grades, college aspirations and employability skills.

Diverse high school students