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The Dr. Sarah Sanchez Scholarship of $500 is awarded each year to a student who has overcome barriers to learning and is now graduating from high school and eligible to attend an institution of higher learning. Dr. Sanchez, a school psychologist and administrator, worked for 35 years with students with disabilities; this scholarship is intended for students who are not eligible for other types of scholarships but have the motivation to pursue a vocation.

Necessary information:
Two recommendations from persons knowledgeable about the student: Discuss how the applicant has demonstrated he/she has overcome challenges or adversity on his/her path toward high school graduation.

One student essay: The essay should be double-spaced and no more than one page. It should be submitted with the application. The student should describe how he/she has personally overcome challenges or barriers in his/her academic career.

The student needs to include name, address, and email address in this document.

Applications must be submitted by March 31, 2024 to:
Dr. Sarah Sanchez Scholarship
c/o Strategic Partnerships/ Maria Owens
Richland School District Two
124 Risdon Way
Columbia, SC 29223

Contact Maria Owens with any questions you may have: