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Facilities Rental

Richland School District Two provides use of our facilities to the community. We have classrooms, cafeterias, auditoriums, game fields, gymnasium, our newly constructed Richland Two Institute of Innovation (R2i2), as well as many other facilities available for rent.

R2i2 classroom

How to Rent Richland Two Facilities

With the exception of the Conference Center at R2i2, Richland Two uses an online facility request and rental system called Facilitronto manage rental requests. To inquire about Conference Center at R2i2 rentals please click here.

Although the process of requesting/approval/management of facility use is now digital, what’s implemented on Facilitron, remains the same as dictated by Richland School District Two’s board policies on facility use. The district’s administrative staff makes final decisions on all facility use requests.

Facilitron will assist with the set-up of organization and user accounts along with verification of non-profit status (if applicable). Facilitron will also collect payment and proof of insurance (certificate of insurance) on Richland School District Two’s behalf. Payments can be submitted conveniently on Facilitron. Payment options include major credit cards, checks, ACH/eCheck, and Paypal. Proof of insurance (certificate of insurance) can also be conveniently uploaded into the system, and/or it can be obtained directly through Facilitron.

R2i2 Sprite

Who Can Rent Richland Two Facilities?

Richland Two supports community use of district schools and other facilities, consistent with our general educational purpose. Such use, however, shall not result in additional operational costs to the District. Fees are therefore assessed to ensure cost recovery for utilities, equipment, wear and tear, and personnel costs. Per Board Policy, a custodian must be on-site during all events. This is provided by and invoiced by Service Solutions. Depending on the size and nature of your event security may be required as well. Equipment availability varies by facility. Facility Managers will determined availability. Equipment rental feeds vary depending on your needs.

We use a classification system to assign fees for community use. Fees are subject to change depending on specific needs of the event, set up, technicians, supervision, etc.

An introduction to Facilitron

facilities rental cafe exterior