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School Appreciation Days

Throughout the year there are numerous school appreciation days, weeks and months recognizing school staff and education related events. The Communications Department created the calendar of school appreciation days as a helpful tool for educators as they plan throughout the year. Educators can determine if and how they will celebrate these days.

Throughout the year there are numerous school appreciation days, weeks and months recognizing school staff and education related events. The Communications Department created the calendar of school appreciation days as a helpful tool for educators as they plan throughout the year. Educators can determine if and how they will celebrate these days.


Awareness Days

15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - 3rd Monday

100th Day of School

All Month

Heart Health Awareness Month

School Board Appreciation Month



Awareness Days

2 - National Wear Red Day for National Heart Health Month

19 - Presidents’ Day - 3rd Monday 

Awareness Weeks

2/26- 3/1 - Public Schools Week 

All Month

Love the Bus Month
American Heart Health Month



Awareness Days

1 - Employee & Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day 

2 - Read Across America Day

8 - International Women’s Day

Awareness Weeks

3-6 - Read Across America Week

National Social Worker Week

All Month

Women’s History Month

3-9 National Nutrition Month

Music in Our Schools Month



Awareness Days

2 - World Autism Awareness Day

24 - National Administrative Professional's Day - Wednesday of the last full week of April

Awareness Weeks

1-5 - National Assistant Principal Week

All Month

Month of the Military Child

Autism Awareness Month



Awareness Days

1 - Principals Day

3 - School Lunch Hero Day (1st Monday in May)

8 - School Nurse Day

27 - Memorial Day

Awareness Weeks

1-5 National Physical Education and Sport Week

6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week

6 -12 Nurses Week - (School Nurse Day is Wednesday of week)

All Month

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Mental Health Awareness Month



Awareness Days

18 - Speech Pathologist Day

19 - Juneteenth

All Month 

Gun Violence Awareness Month



4 - 4th of July/Independence Day 



Awareness Days

30 - College Colors Day

Awareness Weeks

All Month 



Awareness Days

2 - Labor Day - 1st Monday

17 - IT Professional Day

15- Hi



Awareness Days

16 - Boss’s Day

All Month 

Principal’s Month



Awareness Weeks

11-15 National School Psychology Week

18-22 American Education Week



Awareness Days

2 - Special Education Day


*This list will be updated yearly.