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The board agenda review meeting will be called to order at 4 p.m.
Richland District Two coaches lead the future of sports.
Summit Parkway Middle School is recognized for excellence in education and innovation.
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Make sure to accept or decline your Choice offers online by Friday, February 14th at 5 PM.
Home of a 2024 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Winner and National Award-Winning Magnet Programs
Scrolling Hastags
- Purpose Driven, Future Ready
- Purpose Driven, Future Ready
- Purpose Driven, Future Ready
- Purpose Driven, Future Ready
- Purpose Driven, Future Ready
- Purpose Driven, Future Ready
- Purpose Driven, Future Ready
- Purpose Driven, Future Ready
Unique stats - Panel
Resource - Image with description
enrollment (pk-12)
of Richland Two's more than 28,000 students are military affiliated
district Graduation rate (above state’s rate of 82.2%)
college scholarships offered to the class of 2024
Nationally Certified Magnet Programs
students enrolled in dual-enrollment classes last year
our core values
We establish an environment where every student will have a deep sense of belonging built on meaningful positive relationships with caring adults; on trust that has been cultivated and maintained; where students learn, play, explore and dream in environments where their cultures and voices are heard, respected and used to help them achieve their highest potential.
We provide students an education with meaningful and appropriately challenging learning experiences. Engagement in such experiences results in the attainment of knowledge and skills that ensure success both in school and beyond
continuous improvement
We support and encourage continuous improvement through data analysis, feedback, and the ongoing effort to improve student outcomes. Richland Two promotes continuous improvement in its approach to excellence in schools and beyond. Students benefit from innovative methods that have been studied, vetted, and improved upon annually.
We value the practice of honoring our accomplishments. Sharing in the joy of a job well done promotes future success. A joyful environment produces happy and productive students who embrace innovation, collaborative partnerships and learning.